Bursary/ Support

The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome specific financial barriers to participation so they can remain in education. The following information applies to students aged over 16 and under 19 on 31st August taking a full-time education course in the academic year in question.

There are two types of bursary fund available: Bursary for Students in Vulnerable Groups and Discretionary Bursary.

Bursary for Students in Vulnerable Groups

Bursaries will be awarded to students:

  • Who are in or have recently left local authority care
  • Who receive Income Support or Universal Credit because they’re financially supporting themselves
  • Who receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in their name and either Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit
  • Who receive Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in their name and either ESA or Universal Credit
  • Who are economically or socially disadvantaged and at risk of not taking up or continuing in their education.  This group includes students with physical or other disabilities, medical conditions and/or learning difficulties
  • Who have been on probation, are young parents or are otherwise considered at risk
  • Asylum seekers
  • Refugees (who will have access to 16-19 Bursary Funding if they are in receipt of supportive evidence from DWP)


All bursary awards for students in the recognised vulnerable groups will be made on an individual basis taking account of the financial position of the student and/or their family

Discretionary Bursary

A bursary may be available to students who not eligible for the Vulnerable Student Bursary, dependent upon their family financial circumstances. Eligibility for a Discretionary Bursary will be assessed based on evidence of financial hardship provided to the school. This is set out in two priority groups:


High Priority Group

Did the student who has transferred into Sixth Form qualify for Free School Meals in Year 11?      

Is the household income of both parents/carers less than £25,000 per annum?

Medium Priority Group

Is the household income of both parents/carers between £25,000 and £29,999 per annum?

Low Priority Group

Is the Household income of both parents/carers between £30,000 and £35,000 per annum?

Both types of bursary funding are designed to help students overcome the individual financial barriers to participation that they face, and it is important that these funds go to those who genuinely need them. No student will be automatically awarded a set amount of funding without an assessment of the level of financial need they have.

The bursary fund is intended to help students with the essential costs of participating in their study programme, for example to help with the costs of:

  • essential books or equipment;
  • travelling to school;
  • essential visits;
  • clothing to ensure that students are dressed according to the Sixth Form dress code.

The bursary fund will not support costs unless they are related to education, essential and course related extra-curricular activities or provide learning support/services that institutions do not already give to students.  This helps to ensure that the bursary is spent for the reasons it was awarded.

All discretionary bursary payments will be directly linked to attendance, behaviour and performance. A bursary can be withdrawn at any time during the year if the student’s attendance, behaviour or performance is not at an acceptable level.

The Marsh Academy will usually pay any awards ‘in-kind’ rather than cash payments. Payments can include travel passes, vouchers or credits for meals, required books and required equipment.  The bursary fund cannot be used to provide for activities where these are not essential to the students’ study programme and cannot be used to support general household incomes.

In line with the ESFA guidance, The Marsh Academy will base all decisions about which students receive a Discretionary Bursary and how much bursary they receive, on each student’s individual circumstances and their actual financial need. It is important to bear in mind that a student’s circumstance and needs may change during the year. As a result, there is no absolute cut-off point for applications for bursary throughout the academic year.  However, there is a finite amount set for bursary payments each year therefore it is possible for the Marsh Academy not to be able to support with a claim.

To apply for bursary, students and parents must complete the appropriate application form which can be accessed from this webpage or from the Sixth Form team.

Parents and careers must sign the relevant documentation for a bursary to continue from Year 12 into Year 13 and Year 14, where appropriate stating that their financial circumstances have not changed. Giving false information could result in bursary payments being stopped and any successful claims awarded being reclaimed.  If financial circumstances have changed, then a new application will be required.

Bursary Application Form