Next Steps – Project Future Planning

Welcome to the next chapter in your education.  Under the subject tabs you will find the first set of tasks for your introduction into your Post 16 courses.  It is important that the tasks which you have been set are completed to the best of your ability as the step up in complexity, volume and expectations of work are significant. This is an excellent opportunity for you to get a head start on your chosen subjects.

The degree to which you devote time, thought and effort to the projects will be indicative of your work ethos and your commitment to your studies in Post 16.  Working hard on these tasks will lead to a much better understanding of your subjects and should help you to maximise your potential and gain the best results possible.

In addition to the tasks set by the subject teachers, we are also extending the opportunity to all Year 11 students who are returning to the Marsh Academy Post 16 the opportunity to undertake the Extended Qualification as an added bonus qualification.  If you have selected to undertake an EPQ as one of your selected subjects, you will need to complete the tasks as a matter of course.  The EPQ folder will be updated more regularly that the other folders as you will need a lot of input at the beginning for the course in order to ensure you get started and moving in the correct decision.  Please have a look at the EPQ materials and email Mr Adam Bloomfield if you would like to take the opportunity the add this qualification to your study.  Please use the subject: EPQ on your email which must be sent from your school email address. 

In order to access your school email account, you will need to log onto where you can access and download the office suite for free by using your school login details. This is also available on phones and tablets. If you have forgotten your details; the IT technicians will be able to reset these.

Week 1 

My Learning My Future is a series of ppt that are subject based and provide links to bitesize and other resources. All the resources, all in one place | CEC Resource Directory ( 

Start Profile Start Profile 

Students can log in as a guest or they can register for free and use this to create an action plan. It is another way of searching career sectors and different jobs, a bit more colourful than The National Careers Service. There are a lot of other types of activities and information. 

Next Steps Program

Week 1 Project Futures Grid

Week 1 Project Futures


Week 2 Onwards


Sixth Form Next Steps Date  
Week 1 Project Futures Grid 20th Jun 2024 Download
Mathematics A Level 09th Jul 2024 Download
Biology 20th Jun 2024 Download
Business 20th Jun 2024 Download
Criminology 20th Jun 2024 Download
History 20th Jun 2024 Download
Music 20th Jun 2024 Download
Psychology 20th Jun 2024 Download
Sociology 20th Jun 2024 Download
Sport 20th Jun 2024 Download
Next Steps Programme 20th Jun 2024 Download
Biology 20th Jun 2024 Download
Week 1 Project Futures Grid 20th Jun 2024 Download
Week 1 Project Futures 20th Jun 2024 Download
Computer Science 20th Jun 2024 Download
English Literature 20th Jun 2024 Download
Health and Social Care 20th Jun 2024 Download
Level 2 Leadership Through Sport 20th Jun 2024 Download
Level 2 Public Services 20th Jun 2024 Download
Mathematics A Level 20th Jun 2024 Download
Media Studies 20th Jun 2024 Download
To College 20th Jun 2024 Download