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What is the Intent of the PSHE and RSE Curriculum?

Our intent for PSHE is to deliver a challenging and meaningful curriculum which helps students to develop the knowledge and skills they need to deal with the challenges of life they face, both now and in the future.

“PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) education is a school curriculum subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. PSHE education helps pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepared for life – and work – in modern Britain. When taught well, PSHE also helps pupils to achieve their academic potential.” – The PSHE Association.

PSHE and our Ethos

Students engaging in our PSHE curriculum is a key part of ensuring we are living our school ethos

  • Value the individual Students are given the opportunity to explore who they are, their self-interests, qualities and aspirations. They learn about the community they are a part of and reflect on their place and contributions within it.
  • Achieve potential Students learn personal skills they need to thrive and achieve their potential, whatever that looks like for them
  • Prepare for future Students learn about a variety of issues they encounter as they grow older, in the personal, social and professional spheres. Students learn how to navigate their ways through these issues positively and independently.
  • Enhance the community Understand how to foster respect and value for all communities is a core theme of the curriculum.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

The Department for Education’s Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education became a legal requirement for all schools from September 2020. This is fulfilled primarily through our PSHE curriculum. In addition to statutory requirements, the Marsh Academy’s PSHE curriculum has been drawn up in consultation with our pastoral team and parents, to ensure a curriculum which meets the needs of our students and the community we serve.

Core curriculum themes

There are three core themes within PSHE through which our curriculum topics in each year group is organised.
These are: Relationships, Health and Well-being and Living in the Wider World.

Key concepts

In addition to the three core themes through which the curriculum is organised, there are six key concepts embedded throughout our PSHE curriculum which we are aiming to develop within our students. These are:

  • Self-concept - students explore and develop their sense of self through the PSHE curriculum. Students have opportunities to critically reflect on the expectations and aspirations they have for themselves. Students have opportunities to understand their place in the community now and prepare for the life they want for themselves in the future.
  • Respect for self and others - the PSHE curriculum aims to foster a culture of respect for all, which includes students developing the knowledge and skills to make choices that demonstrate respect for themselves and the community they are a part of. Respect importantly extends to others; understanding and celebrating diversity in many forms is a key aspect of the curriculum.
  • Consent and boundaries - students learn about the importance of boundaries in a range of contexts. Students consider the importance of setting their own personal boundaries, in relation to social, romantic and sexual relationships. Students are taught consent in a variety of contexts appropriate to their age, including in friendships, relationships, in the workplace and in sex education.
  • Resilience through change - students understand the ways in life’s changes can impact them and those around them. Students will learn how to manage change in a variety of contexts including relation to their bodies, social circles, education and work, and will understand the importance of resilience in these situations.
  • Online and media literacy - students will have opportunities to explore how different forms of media influence their self-concept and understanding of the world around them, and will be able to respond critically to these influences. Students will learn how to navigate the online world in a way that is appropriate and respectful to others.
  • Responsibility - the PSHE curriculum allows students to develop a sense of responsibility and accountability for their actions, understanding the impact that the choices they make has on the health and wellbeing of themselves and others. Where appropriate, students will understand the social and legal implications of choices in certain situations.

RSE Policy

KS3 PSHE Curriculum Overview

KS3 Tutorial Planner

KS4 Tutorial Planner

KS5 Tutorial Planner

Subject Documents Date  
RSE Curriculum Resources 16th May 2023 Download